Last modified by Brian K Martsolf
02-Dec-2008 07:48 PM
whats new / web page history

- 12/01/08
Episode 47 of Mousin It Up - Pretty
Good Sure As You're Born
- 12/01/08
Episode 46 of Mousin It Up - World Famous
for being "World Famous"
- 12/01/08
Episode 45 of Mousin It Up Captain
Jack's Pirate Tutorial or "I Like Cheese"
- 11/25/08 An episode I've been wanting to put together for a long time is finally here!
episode 44 The Voices of Liberty - Just For Fun!
- 11/04/08 added the song "Angry" to the list of songs
in episode 21
- 11/03/08 posted episode 43 of Mousin it Up!
Continuing the Oct 11, 2007 trip report, we take in one last set by the
Toontown Tuners (this time in Fantasyland) before moseying over to
Frontierland and seeing Woodays Cowboy Camp.
- 10/01/08 posted episode 42 of Mousin it Up!
featuring The Extraordinary Leon Gregory.
- 09/28/08 posted episode 41 of Mousin it Up!
featuring The Main Street Philharmonic.
- 08/21/08 posted episode 40 of Mousin it Up!
Si Xian (in honor of the Olympics being held in Bejing).
- 08/11/08 added MANY links to trip reports allowing easy access to the
sounds recorded when the pictures on the pages were take I had gotten WAY
behind on this, and hopefully this will make things a bit easier
for new visitors.
- 08/07/08 posted episode 39 of Mousin it Up!
The Notorious Banjo Brothers and Bob.
- 07/16/08 posted episode 38 of Mousin it Up!
a bit of MORE Mousin on Main Street with one more Main Street set by the
Toontown Tuners, and a little music from Piano Man Jim. from the
morning of October 11, 2007 the first
day of the RADP 12 trip.
- 07/06/08 posted episode 37 of Mousin it Up! In this
episode we travel to Pleasure Island and Visit the Adventurers Club in
a recording from December 2007 featuring both
the new member induction ceremony and Balderdash cup competition.
- 06/11/2008 posted episode 36 of Mousin it Up!
featuring some more Main Street audio that
had a bit more of the Dans,the Toontown Tuners,
and the "political characters" of the Mayor, his assistant (and son-in-law),
and the councilman, and the "Trolley show" as delivered from the Fire Engine,
this audio picked up withing minutes of
where the last episode ended.
- 05/29/08 posted episode 35 of Mousin it Up!
featuring a bit of "entering the park" audio from the
morning of October 11, 2007 the first
day of the RADP 12 trip.
- 05/25/08 I put up the first day of the
October 2007 RADP 12 meets, this
report is being presented in 2 versions a version with only the 20 best
photos of the day and a whole day on one page, and a fuller version with
all the pictures the way I normally do it, up to about 30 pictures per page
and as many pages for the day as it takes to show all the pictures.
- 05/16/08 in honor of tomorrow being
Norway's Constitution Day
I'm releasing an episode featuring
Spelmann's Gledge in episode 34 of the Mousin it Up! podcast.
- 05/09/08 I haven't been posting my whatnew page with updates from
the blog at so here's a batch of them, and
I'm thinking a once a month or so update
may be the way to go on these anyhow:
- 05/09/08 posted episode 33 of Mousin it Up!
featuring Audio from the Tim DeVine led Photo tips Tour on Disney's Animal
Kingdom's Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.
- 04/28/08 posted episode 32 of Mousin it Up! with
a different kind of Amimal Kingdom audio experiance.
04/10/08 Added a link to
Mousin It Up! BLOG on each of the "mapbars" on the various index pages
(Main index, Trip Report index, postcard index,
podcast main page, meets index,
and the one on this page)
04/09/08 posted episode 31 of Mousin it Up! with
Main Street USA's Piano Man Mark.
03/09/08 posted a "new" trip report
FAB2K an account of the February 2000 trip
to WDW with my friend Peter "filminfo" Schouten from the
Netherlands. 17 pages with many WDW pictures that
show things that have since changed or gone away, like the Diamond horseshoe,
the Future Corps, The partaree Mickey from the
Disney-MGM Studios, and many other interesting photos.
- 02/14/08 Episode 29 of the Mousin it Up! podcast
A Grand Evening, featuring Grand pianist Christian and
the Grand Floridian Jazz Orchestra.
- 01/27/08 Multiple updates:
- Added a WHOLE new Chapter
to the postcards section on the "free
with stay" resort Cards, also made several SMALL updates also mostly related
to resorts in some way.
- Added a link to the big MAP scan of FL-029 on both the preopening
postcards page, AND the
"pre-opening postcards that never were" page.
- added a bit more info about the deal that led to the construction of the
Swan and Dolphin
- 01/01/08 Episode 28 of Mousin It Up goes live the
Citizens of Main Street USA:
also a 2008 podcast show notes index page:
- 12/30/07 I added the names of the Dapper Dans in the photos from my
May 1998 trip to
the trip report from that Day. Also finally got the
show notes up for the
Christmas episode I released last week.
- 12/23/07 posted
Episode 27 Merry Christmas to the libsyn feed.
- 12/17/07 Went back and Added the name of one of the Voices
of Liberty (Dirk Donahue) to my June Trip Report.
- 11/02/07 I finally got around to posting show notes for Mousin it Up
episodes 25 - Main Street Barbershop and also the
show notes for episode 26 - Marty Sklar,
this segment is from a
presentation Marty gave on Epcot's 25th anniversary October 1, 2007.
- 10/19/07 September 1998 trip report,
the last gasp of an annual pass with nice
large photos of many things now found in Yester Disney World.
- 09/12/07 In honor of Mexicos Independence Day, September 16,
Episode 24 of the Mousin it up
podcast is up featuring TWO sets by the Mariachi Cobre from Epcots
Mexico pavilion.
- 09/11/07 Episode 23 of the Mousin it up
podcast is up featuring The Dapper Dans of Walt Disney World and Disneyland.
- 09/04/07 Posted all of the Mousefest 2005
(yes an almost two year old trip report), includes two
videos one short (at the Dolphin hotel)
one longer one (Voices of Liberty Dickens Carolers).
- 08/25/07 Finished the June 2007
trip report! 18 more pages for a total of
42 pages of WDW pictures taken in just 2½ days in the parks.
- 08/07/07 Episode 22 of the Mousin it up
podcast is up featuring Mo-Rockin, a little BGM and a big announcement!
- 08/05/07 I addeed the second day to the
June 2007 trip report 16 pages and HUNDREDS of Photos
- 07/24/07 Finally finished the
Mousefest 2006 trip report This thing is huge!
- 07/19/07 Added all eight pages of the first day of the
June 2007 trip report to the Trip Report Index
- 07/17/07 Happy Birthday Disneyland, episode 21 of the Mousin it up
podcast is now available, Featuring TWO of Disneylands piano men.
Episode 21
- 07/13/2007 Added Google Video to the
"Other bigBrian on the web" page
- 07/09/07 added the "other Big Brian Disney pages"
page featuring links
to my video pages, discussion groups, forums and even a My Space page.
- 07/03/2007 episode 20 of the Mousin it up podcast is now available, this
episode Features some Independence Day related tunes by the Voices of Liberty
and the Spirit of America Fife and Drum Corps.
Episode 20
- 06/28/2007 Episode 19 of the Mousin it up podcast is now available, this
episode Features a musical collage of songs dedicated to folks who I hope will
enjoy them. Show notes are at this link:
Episode 19
- 06/13/2007 Episode 18 of the Mousin it up podcast is now available, this
episodes Feature is; The Disneyland Band on the Grand Steamer Mark Twain
recorded July 15,
2005. Show notes are at this link:
Episode 18
- 04/13/2007 Episode 17 of the Mousin it up podcast is now available, this
episodes highlights include; Billy Hill and the Hillbillies recorded July 17,
2005. Show notes are at this link:
Episode 17
- 03/28/2007 Episode 16 of the Mousin it up podcast is now available, this
episodes highlights include; Space Mountain - Allen Thompson -
Tomorrowland Speedway- and a Contest Winner! Show notes are at this link:
Episode 16
- 03/25/2007 In honor of Tagrel's 4th anniversary I
released the audio from thier Karaoke meet as a
special edition of the
Mousin'it Up Podcast.
- 03/25/2007 I've slowly been adding pages to my trip
report from Mousefest today I finally updated the
trip report table of
contents to reflect that the report for the 9th is more or less completed
(like anything else around here subject to corrections and additions).
- 03/07/2007 Episode 15 of Mousin' it Up!
is out with audio of the Jungle Cruise, A bit of Woody's roundup,
a conversation with some Disney fans, Most of a set of Cinderella's
Royal Saxaphonists, an update on the contest I'm running, and an update
to the Walt Disney World a History in Postcards
page on the Kids of the Kingdom.
- 03/06/2007 added some nice information on
the Kids of the Kingdom to the Web Site thanks to Steph Truitt
- 02/20/07 Episode 14 of Mousin' it Up!
is out with audio of Main Street pianist Jim.
- 02/06/07 reworked many of the show notes adding show synopsis and
libsyn/itunes images to some of the earlier episodes notes that
lacked these, broke the podcast.htm
into three pages, one an
introduction to the podcast and two episode index pages
one for 2006,
and one for 2007.
- 02/06/07 Episode 13 of the newly renamed
Mousin' it Up! podcast is out with American Vybe.
from about 10/23/07 to 1/23/07
- Main page-Index.htm 18944 up 1475
- postcards-pctoc.htm 19283 up 2162
- trip reports-trtoc.htm 3266 up 459
- meets-mttoc.htm 699 up 211
- Mousin it up-podcast.htm 914 up 524
- 01/23/07 I added a photo colage of the attendees at
Tim The Magic in Pixels DeVines night Time photo tips meet.
- 01/23/07 I finally released episode 12 of Big Brians' Disney Pages' podcast
SHOW NOTES Episode 12
Magic Behind The Steam Trains tour part 2 of 2,
and Mousefest postcard finds. I also finally put up the shownotes for
the Christmas special episode 11 SHOW NOTES Episode 11
Christmas episode.
- 01/11/07 I put up
twelve pages with somewhere around
300 pictures and
several videos this is DAY ONE of my Mousefest 2006 Walt Disney World Trip,
and a new record for me in the number of photos taken in one day!
- 12/23/06 put up episode 11 of BBDP's podcast a Christmas Special
- 12/04/06 episode 10 of BBDP's podcast went up
SHOW NOTES Episode 10
Magic Behind The Steam Trains tour,
and a "flood" of 2006 postcards.
- 11/28/06 added two new pages of appendices, one,
featuring the accordion folder postcards released in 2006, another,
with most of the other postcards released so far this year.
- 11/22/06 episode 09 of BBDP's podcast went up
SHOW NOTES Episode 09 Dixie Kings,
Push, Disneyland Band, Hotel Plaza Boulevard postcards, and Before There even
WAS Podacsting... also added links in the Disneyland
trip reports to the podcast episodes
that house those trip reports pages sounds... for instance
- 11/19/06 added a few more cards to
Chapter 11 The Early 1990's
Page 3 Around The World and a long list of cards to
Chapter 11 The Early 1990's Page 7 reprints listing
- 11/18/06 I added over 30 cards to the side bar articles for
chapter 03 and
chapter 06 both being pages
devoted to the lessee resorts of Hotel Plaza boulevard.
- 11/13/06 More Audio from the 2002 trip in a podcast episode with
sounds from the Land Pavilion as it was at that time
sn2006-08.htm episode 08 Yester"LAND" show notes
- 11/06/06 I added several videos to the July 2005 trip report including:
- dl05/tr05p7.htm#gas
A short one of a gas lamp on Main Street
- dl05/tr05p7.htm#orch
A 30 second snippet of Zip A Dee Doo Dah being played by the Orchestron
(on the same page as the gas lamp video)
- dl05/tr05p8b.htm#push
Push the talking trash can,
taken on the 15th, he was entertaining the
masses below while space Mountain was being dedicated above in the upper plaza.
- dl05/tr05p10g.htm#alan
I added a second video of
Alan Thompson on the same page as
the four-hand piano video
- dl05/tr05p10g.htm#stan
in addition, I added a bit of explanation on the
song that Stan
played solo before the four hand number
(it's one composed by Stan, cute story)
- dl05/tr05p11b.htm#iasw
The quarter-hour Clock Ceremony at It's A Small World
- dl05/tr05p11g.htm#dans
The Dapper Dans Singing When I See an Elephant Fly
- 10/31/06 Happy Halloween I used audio from that same
Honeymoon trip mentioned below to make a Not So scary Halloween part episode,
episode 07
of Big Brians Disney podcast!
- 10/30/06 Added the trip report from our
honeymoon in October 2002 including the Halloween party.
from about 10/23/07 to 1/23/07
- Main page-Index.htm 17469 up 2469
- postcards-pctoc.htm 17121 up 2371
- trip reports-trtoc.htm 2807 up 725
- meets-mttoc.htm 488 UP 263
- Mousin it up-podcast.htm 390 up 390
- 10/23/06 added seven new pages to WDW in postcards Chapter 11 the early 1990s
- 10/03/06 episode 06 of Big Brians Disney
podcast - the Tomorrowland Music loop and meandering on out of Disneyland.
- 09/23/06 A First Draft of my August 2001 trip with my sister
was posted to the trip reports section.
- 08/21/06 In response to an email inquiry I added the ten guidelines
for Mineral Kings development to
the page on Mineral King also added quotes from Floridas Disney World:
Promises and Problems and a scan of the back of the postcard to the
Mousefest 04 trip report,page 3.
- 08/19/06 Added a few images of the Carolando Hotel postcard to the
Mousefest 04 trip report,page 3
- 08/15/06 Added Video to my Disneyland 2005 trip report
I'm able to do this thanks to youtube
- 08/15/06 Added pictures to MOUSEFESTIVE!
The 2004 Mega Mouse meet,
this stretched this formerly 1 page trip to 3 pages.
- 08/12/06 Yesterday: Added
episode 5 to BBDP. Today:
added a nice letter from a steam enthusiast who rode on the Ports O' Call
back in 79 to the page on the excursion steamers.
- 07/27/06 posted episode 04
of the podcast and it's show notes.
from about 04/19/06 to 7/27/06
- Main page-Index.htm 15000 up 2859
- postcards-pctoc.htm 14750 up 1495
- trip reports-trtoc.htm 2082 up 438
- meets-mttoc.htm 225 up 225
- Mousin it up-podcast.htm 0 NEW
- 07/25/06 posted episode 03 of
Big Brians Disney Podcast, also,
I did add some navigation bars to each of the main index pages.
- 07/20/06 I've put up the Disfans 2006 Allentown meet trip report pages,
and took this opportunity to separate out the
index page for the meets and mouscelanoius stuff
- 07/12/06 I've Started my own
Yahoo Group,
If you listen to Big Brians Disney Podcasts, follow
Walt Disney World: A History in Postcards, or just want to know when
my trip reports get updated then heres a moderated group for you.
- 06/12/06 finally re-wrote the podcast page
filling in those blank areas I had initially
(I was out of town for a while this month),
and gave show notes their own individual pages.
- 06/09/06 Started Big Brians Disney Podcast with
- 06/01/06 Added the larger version of the images and, the Goodyear Blimp
photos (from the preceding day) to the
CARS Premiere report
- 05/30/06Added the
I was at the cars Premiere pages (links to larger images will be added later)
- 05/20/06 Added information on the World Showcase Lagoon Onmibusses
to the early Epcot photo cards (and just a bit on Sponsors)
Chapter 7 page 3
- 05/15/06 The re-work of the FT wilderness page
I worked on a bit a few days continued,, and has spread
to the other FT Wilderness Booklet, and of
course correcting the links in
appendix B that link to the cards on
that first page since I now have the cards in the correct order.
I also went back and color adjusted a lot of the images that didn't seem to
match the cards very well (on both pages some of the scans originally looked a bit
washed out.
- 05/14/06 Re worked the page for the first Fort Wilderness post card booklet, including listing the card in
this booklet in their correct order (Thanks to Becky Gray for that information!)
- 05/02/06
Thanks To Ted Michaud for letting me know about
postcard booklet variants I didn't have listed.
- 04/28/06 added a few more scans to
"the tickets project"
page, and a few great vintage photos courtesy
of Martin Smith, on two different pages:
images of the original Admiral Joe Fowler
Sternwheeler the first chapters Frontierland page.
and, of the Magic Kingdom II on the page about the
steamers.. Added some information from Steve Burns from
to also added an
email from Dylan Gladstone
for his nice email to chapter 6 about his fathers work on the to
The Cartoon
- 04/24/06 added a bit more about "cropping" variants
(including a few more examples) to
chapter three page 1
- 04/23/06 added yet one more version of card 0111-0349 to
chapter three page 1
- 04/23/06 doubled the size of "the tickets project"
page with bunches of new scans I've gathered over the past year.
- 04/22/06 added an article for Chapter 4
Side bar article: Booklet Variants Spreadsheet
special thanks to Tom Deluca and Becky Gray for their valuable information here.
- 04/19/06 added two cards to the
Special Feature: scans contributed
for chapters not yet written , one from Kevin
"NJ postcard guy" Hughes, and another from Tom De Luca.
I added a few long over due thank you's to the "Thank Yous" page.
- Main page-Index.htm 12141
- postcards-pctoc.htm 13255
- trip reports-trtoc.htm 1644
- 04/12/06 Added a "Scenic Anandapur" card to
Appendix 2006.
- 04/09/06 added links to the majority of the cards in
appendix C
that did not have links yet (before now all
of the cards that had links were from Epcot.
- 04/08/06 reworked the pages on hotel Leasees and spread
them out over more chapters, added some text about Epcot variants to
Chapter 7, Page 4: in the section on Mexico.
- 04/02/06 Added several new cards to Chapter 9 Disney-MGM studios adding
another page to the Chapter in the process and re-working and
adding to the text as well.
- 03/21/06 added an alternate version of 0111-0349 to
chapter three page 1 and fixed a card number typo lower down
(on one of the Pooh cards 0111-1604), and added the other marathon card for 2005 to
Appendix 2005
- 03/21/06 added many cards to
Appendix 2005 Some new scans of the Yeti die cut
courtesy of Kevin Hughes to Appendix 2006 also,
a photo an Expedition Everest press kit (w/postcard).
- 03/14/06 added Appendix 2005:
WDW postcards issued in 2005
- 03/08/06 added Appendix 2006:
WDW postcards issued in 2006
- 02/07/06 updated information on
Shades of Green
- 09/12/05 added links to many of the musically talented individuals
I enjoyed listening to on this trip, including
Alan (
Ragtime pianist,
Stan, (a
ragtime fan who maintains a site on the Disneyland pianists.
Bayou Brass, and The
River Rascals
. As well as a story about
a picture I didn't take.
- 08/31/05 added text to the last day last 8 pages or so) of that trip report
listed below
- 08/24/05 added over 20 pages and 400 pictures in the form of a trip
report, Return To Disneyland, on my visit to
Disneyland on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
- 08/24/05 made a separate index page
for the trip reports, meets and miscellaneous items, and removed items
on that page and the postcard Table of contents page from the index p
age since both of those pages have links from there anyhow.
- 06/24/05 added a new page showing the most common
logos from WDW card backs
- 06/14/05 added a new card to chapter 3 page 6,
another to Chapter4 page 7,
and added many new cards and variants to the appendices.
- 05/04/05 uploaded appendices which have had multiple minor updates
(new cards, or new to me) at the end of April.
- 04/19/05 added "the tickets project"
- 03/24/05 added information on the
Mark IV monorails to Chapter 2 page 4
- 03/08/05 added information on the use of the preview center building, from
Walt Disney Worlds opening through the 1990s courtesy of
Gary A. Kecskes to
Chapter 1 page 1 .
- 03/08/05 added three new pages
Chapter 10 The Animation Gallery
- 01/31/05 added cards to many of the appendices.
- 01/11/05 Doubled the length of the article
preface too... how I started collecting postcards .
- 01/10/05 edited 0111-0353 FANTASYLAND . . . A HUNNY OF A
PLACE to chapter three page 1 one more
time! both for flow of the section on this card, and to add a
couple of links to images of a stamp and postmark involved in
this attempt to date this card more accurately.
- 01/09/05 added card 01110506 of the LBV shopping Village to
also edited the comment I made yesterday on card 0111-0353
FANTASYLAND . . . A HUNNY OF A PLACE to chapter three page 1 to reflect my change of
heart regarding the postmark. Also added a small recollection to
Mousefestive! regarding the
Grand I
- 01/08/05 added a card celebrating Mickey's 50th birthday
(1978) to Chapter 3 page 4
- 01/08/05 added an alternate version of card 0111-0353
FANTASYLAND . . . A HUNNY OF A PLACE to chapter three page 1
- 01/08/05 after a long delay for which I apologize I finally
added four new pages Chapter 9
Disney-MGM Studios.
- 01/03/05 added cards to appendices E,F,L, and H.
- 12/20/04 added my account of our Dec 2004 trip to Mousefest
- 8/28/04 Added more information about when Disney\'s classic
characters came to EPCOT Center to Chapter
7 We've Just Begun... to Dream, Page 7: A Center with Character
- 07/21/04 Added Special Feature: Scans
contributed by others for chapters yet to be written!
- 07/19/04 Added the 1988 Christmas Post Card to Chapter 6 Page 3
Scan by William Sylvester.
- 07/19/04 Added some great art work to Chapter 3, attraction postersby Greg Maletic in
Chapter 3 . This necessitated splitting largest page in the
chapter into two pages.
- 7/09/04 Added Chapter 8 Everything
Old is New Again seven new pages of Continental Size WDW
postcards from the mid 1980s!
- 7/02/04 added Chapter 7 We've Just
Begun... to Dream, Page 7: A Center with Character Also added
one of the Christmas Cards to The Cartoon
Cards of to chapter 6 .
- 6/27/04 added a page in the postcard community section on
Disney postcard dealers.
- 6/24/04 updated several of the appendices, the most new cards
added were in Appendix D Oversize cards---- pre bar code in the
Animation gallery series.
- 6/19/04 added a third page The Cartoon
Cards of chapter 6 .
- 6/19/04 Added information about the World of Motion/ Pirates of the Caribbean
- 5/31/04 Thanks to Martin Smith of the
United Kingdom for finding the information on the Swan And
Dolphins size cost and opening dates. Also, the information on
the opening of the Golf resort.
- 4/16/04 added side bar article to chapter 3 on Leased on-property Hotels .
- 4/06/04 made many corrections and additions to the appendices
including links to the card from the second and third pre-upc era
postcard booklets new cards added here and there in most of the
appendices and split a section off of appendix b ( six card
perforated strips) , and divided the list of Bar code era folios
and booklets into two separate appendices.
- 3/29/04 Added six new booklets to chapter 4 the second and third series postcard booklets
I have.
- 3/11/04 added a side bar article for chapter 7A World In Motion.
- 3/03/04 added a section on postcard
community mentioning both the IDPCC and the disneypostcards
club over at Yahoo! groups and a form for folks to join the
- 2/26/04 added many cards to the appendices over the past week
especially some 2003 issues in cards I bought from Jay Patel, and
some cards Scott Terek informed me of. I also tried to make many
of the lists more printer friendly (tried to make them use as few
sheets of paper as possible).
- 2/12/04 added two new appendices Appendix I: Disney's Free postcards and
Appendix J: Non Disney produced cards sold
in the parks.
- 02/08/04 updated all of the appendices the most new cards
were added to Appendix F: Bar code Era
Oversize. Links were added to all the various printings of
the Epcot cards listed in Appendix C -
pre-bar code Continental size , and Appendix E: Continental size from UPC era with the
classic symmetrical divided Backs:.
- 01/11/04 updated the "you can help build
this web page" page .
- 01/06/04 Added 6 new pages, chapter 7,
Epcot is here!
- 01/01/04 updated my about me page for
the new year.
- 01/01/04 Added appendixLast
modified by Brian K Martsolf at 1:08 AM on 1/1/2004 H
featuring the Post Card Folios and newer post card booklets.
- 12/14/03 Added about a half dozen new cards mostly into
chapter three and tons of new links in appendix A some for cards
added recently but also fixing links for card which had moved
since the appendix was first written. All but a handful of the
official cards of the standard size era now have links!
- 12/10/03 added the last card to the Country Bear Jamboree
pre-opening art cards Liver lips
- 12/08/03 added a section on card errors to Chapter 6 page 2
Chapter 6 page 2 added alternate
version of WELCOME TO THE FUTURE to Chapter 3 page 3 added more Mineral King info,
and images! to Chapter 2 The First
Chromes page 6.
- 11/24/03 Added two new cards to The Lake Buena Vista Shopping
village section (01110502 and 01110507) thanks to Dave
- 11/16/03 Added Three new Lake Buena Vista shopping Village
cards to Chapter three Page five plus
moved the one of the Lake Buena Vista Club card which was in
Chapter two to that page. This necessitated moving river country and Discovery Island to the next
page, and bumped the pirates art cards up a page as well Also
added the last art card to the Pirates of
the Caribbean art cards page.
- 11/16/03 Added preface too... how I
started collecting postcards.
- 11/11/03 Added Chapter 6 The early 1980's p.1 and 2 .
- 09/24/03 Added four pages Chapter 5 Epcot Pre opening
p.1-p.4 .
- 09/19/03 Added Appendix F: Bard code
era Oversize cards also updated most of the other appendices
with new cards, and made Appendix H into Appendix G.
- 09/03/03 Added the "I asked Dave
Smith" piece to Chapter 1 page 2. Also, Rhett Whickam added
more things to the list of preview center items.
- 08/25/03 Updated appendices E and H with about 18 more
- 08/23/03 updated the appendices with a few dozen additional
- 08/19/03 Thanks to Bruce Metcalf, added information on the
fare signs and ticket registers
on WDW trolleys.
- 08/15/03Thanks to Dave Ensign, Added great scans of the
pre-opening centers promotional
postcard. Thanks again Dave!
- 06/15/03 added reorganized appendices including the Animal
Kingdom releases in both the series with the symmetrical divided backs and the series of
newer cards with the asymmetrical divided backs.
- 04/16/03 added the cover scan and
the seventh card of 0111-0073 to chapter 4 Polynesian resort Thanks to Clark "monorail49"
Benton for the scans.
- 04/16/03 added The Pirates of the Caribbean Art Cards.
- 04/14/03 added a few cards to chapter
3 page 5 (thanks to Clark - Monorail49 from Ebay) added the
rest of the links I have for now to the appendix pages of the postcard booklets. Added
text to the Liberty Square Postcard
Booklet page about "The Sons and Daughters of Liberty".
- 04/07/03 Added the Country Bear Jamboree cards page chapter 2 page 6.
- 04/05/03 added info on the construction of the Tom Sawyers Island
Rafts (thanks to All Ears
newsletter issue 184 for the
- 04/04/03 Added text to many of the pages in chapter 4, also
updated the "you can help build this web
site" page.
- 03/25/03 Added ten pages about 80 new scans! in short I added
chapter four!
- 03/22/03 Over the past few days. added "a names" to all the
postcard images. To put is in non technical terms this means now
that if you click on the link to a particular card on the card
list in the appendices pages you now get taken directly to that
cards location in it's chapter and page instead of just the top
of the page that it is on. also added links to cards that had
been included on the postcard pages since I first wrote the
- 03/17/03 added the names of the Dapper Dans on card 01110219 ( Thanks Roger Ross), and the
name of the launch on the Ferries, Launches,
Cruisers and Friendships page. 03/17/03 added info on the
construction of the Frontierland Stern Wheeler Richard F
Irvine (thanks to All Ears
newsletter issue 180 for the
- 03/13/03 Split the Seven Seas Lagoon/ Bay lake Shipping page
into two parts Part I solely on excursion
steamers. Part II on Ferries, Launches,
Cruisers and Friendships.
- 03/13/03 Added comments from Jeff Pleshek to the Admiral Joe
Fowler page.
- 03/12/03 Added more info and links to: 01110213 FUN ON BAY LAKE, River Country , and Discovery Island.
- 03/11/03 Added Jan
Crews information on the Kids
of the Kingdom.
- 03/10/03 over the past several days re scanned the rest of
the cards, added several new cards, reorganized chapter 3
including moving one of it's pages to chapter two and added a
couple of more pages to chapter 3.
- 03/03/03 over the past few weeks re-scanned over half of the
postcards to remove moire patterns from the images (those swirls
or discolored blotches that often appear in scans of printed
materials are Morie patterns), also, updated the link to the
"Walt Dated World" web site on the first chapters Frontierland page.
- 02/13/03 added appendices D and E with edits to the earlier
appendices as well.
- 02/10/03 added the appendix C to the postcards pages.
- 02/08/03 added the first appendices(A and B) to the postcards
- 12/14/02 Added the last card to the WDW 25th anniversary
cards page (I could've sworn I had already done this so when I
looked and saw I was missing one I fixed it).
- 11/21/02 Made many small corrections, several related to
Tomorrowland, added the receipt to the
opening page, The a few final card scans to the pre opening cards
pages. The info about there being a keelboat on a postcard
booklet to the Frontierland
- 11/18/02 Added the story of my visit to the WDW Preview Center
- 11/17/02 Added information on the damage to the Admiral Joe
Fowler and what happened to its parts, Also, additional
service water craft And gave my links page it's own
separate page (it used to be at the bottom of this page).
- 11/12/02 added the "Ahoy There!" information on the Water craft of Bay
lake/ Seven Seas lagoon.
- 10/23/02 Added the Wedding
- 08/13/02 Added Side bar Article:
Pre-Opening Cards that never were.
- 08/12/02made several corrections the most important one being
noting that the Mike Fink Keel Boats are still operational (but
only on a seasonal schedule).
- 08/07/02 added commentary on Horse drawn-streetcars to the
The First Chromes Page 1 : Main Street
U.S.A. and Adventureland page.
- 08/07/02 added FL-031 no flag version to pre opening cards page.
- 08/07/02 added chapter 3 the Vacation Kingdom of the
- 08/07/02 added likely pre-opening photo from The Story of WDW
(1971) book to the The First Chromes Page
1 : Main Street U.S.A. and Adventureland page.
- 08/07/02 added list of postcards I don't have scans of to
the you can help build this page htm.
- 08/03/02 added David Hoopers list of some items sold at the
preview center to the pre opening cards page. Added the clincher
(trash cans) to the Main Street pictures section of chapter
- 07/28/02 Added Card Names to the numbers in the postcard
sections text and ALT=" numbers and names " to the images.
- 07/25/02 updated info on the Liberty
Square Riverboats .
- 07/18/02 added the you can help build
this web page.
- 07/17/02 added the Shipping on the Seven
seas Lagoon / Bay lake page.
- 07/16/02 added pre opening center information to the to the
WDW pre opening cards page.
- 06/25/02 Added the What is "RADP?"
page, and the Card FL-028 to the WDW pre opening cards page.
- 06/17/02 Added the WDW in postcards
section preface and chapters 1 and 2.
- 01/01/02 Updated/reorganized "about me"
section .
- 06/12/01 Updated about me page to reflect my divorce, also
added a page on my work.
- 11/28/99 I added trip reports from my very first trip to WDW
in 1996.
- 7/25/99 moved my site to it's own URL from its former
geocities location.
- 7/17/98 noted that my counter recently passed the 10,000 hits
- 7/9/98 Added large trip report from my May 1998 trip
- 5/2/98 Added postcards page (first entries monorails, the
Florida card that's actually a Disneyland card, and 2 cards not in the
nickel Tour.
- 4/30/98 Added puzzle to souvenirs and split souvenirs into
two pages. Added final pictures to December 1997 trip report (All
on the last day, the 11th) And, added
pictures to 2nd NC RADP meet.
- 4/19/98 Added Walt Disney World 25th
anniversary cards page.
- 4/14/98 through 4-18-98 added most of the pictures to
December 1998 trip report.
- 4/12/98 got rid of "field of Pluto's" wallpaper and installed
new ticket column wallpaper.
- 3/31/98 added 2nd NC RADP Trip Report
- 1/23/98 put in all the text for Decembers trip
- 10/20/97 put in text for NC RADP meet page.
- 10/12/97 added souvenirs page.
- 10/4/97 finished second trip report.
- 10/3/97 put in thumbnail version of 1st section of second
trip report.
- 9/27/97 added NC meet page/w e-mail link to Craig
- 9/26/97 added what's new page, and counter.
- 9/25/97 added counter and e-mail.
- 9/22/97 added about me page.
- 9/21/97 put up first part of second trip report.
- 9/20/97 got 2 friends to look at page (thanks Peter, Jeff).
- 9/19/97registered page put opening page up.