Hearkening back to my earlier comments in this chapter on "artful" photo manipulations is the last card in this booklet (the last image on this page) of fireworks on Main Street. You may wonder why I think that is possibly a manipulation? Well first of all since fireworks images can often be somewhat hit and miss I suspect this if often an area where manipulation of images to get a nice shot is often quite tempting. But other than that it is also the location of the fireworks... rather than having fireworks over the castle the fireworks shown here are over the Train station. While I am aware that in recent years WDW has used " 360° " fireworks for special occasions were they really doing this that early on, or is this just a way of taking a somewhat pretty shot of Main Street at night and turning it into an image worthy of a post card?
The steam engine on the fourth card on this page appears to be the #3 Roger E. Broggie
named for the man who probably had the most intimate knowledge of the trains built at Disneyland, at
the time Walt First became interested in building a live steam railroad for use at his own backyard (around 1950)
Roger was in charge of the machine shop at the studio, that is where Walt miniature engine was built. As walts plans
for a theme park grew Roger Broggie became a sort of de facto imaginer, not only making sure that the projects
came through his shop were completed but also contributing to these project with his knowledge and a level of
perfectionism similar to Walts own.
E-mail Me martsolf@mindspring.com
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