Mousin' It Up!
Big Brians Disney Podcast
Episode 54 - Disney's A Christmas Carol...sort of

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This Episode was recorded late in my December 2008 trip to Walt Disney World, this was after Mousefest, and it was also the one day that my wife, Carlene, chose to join me in the parks. Since she had been in a lot of pain when walking for a while leading up to the trip she used an ECV this day, which worked out well as otherwise I would have not been able to cover so much ground going back and forth around World Showcase. I had a schedule for the World Showcase Players and knew coming into the park when they were performing, butwhat I did not know was which times were for thier "regular material" and which sets they would be doing thier special Holiday skit A Christmas Carol. So when they did their first set of the day I was there but they were performing King Arthur and the Holy Grail so we got the set times for A Christmas Carol and continued on our way. Working our way all the way around to Mexico before putting it into reverse and working our way back to the United Kingdom for this afternoon set.

